Monday 3 June 2013


DISERN Model for identifying reliable health support services

1.Are the aims clear?
No      Partially     Yes
1   2      3      4     5

HINT Look for a clear indication at the beginning of the publication of:
• what it is about
• what it is meant to cover (and what topics are meant to be excluded)
• who might find it useful.
If the answer to Question 1 is ‘No’, go directly to Question 3

2.Does it achieve its aims?

No     Partially    Yes
1     2      3       4     5

HINT Consider whether the publication provides the information it aimed to as
outlined in Question 1.

3.Is it relevant?
No     Partially    Yes
1     2      3       4     5

HINT Consider whether:
• the publication addresses the questions that readers might ask
• recommendations and suggestions concerning treatment choices are
realistic or appropriate.

4.Is it clear what sources of information were used to compile the publication (other than the author or producer)?

No     Partially    Yes
1     2      3       4     5
• Check whether the main claims or statements made about treatment
choices are accompanied by a reference to the sources used as
evidence, e.g. a research study or expert opinion.
• Look for a means of checking the sources used such as a bibliography/
reference list or the addresses of the experts or organisationsquoted.

5.Is it clear when the information used or reported
in the publication was produced?

No     Partially    Yes
1     2      3       4     5

HINT Look for:
• dates of the main sources of information used to compile the
• date of any revisions of the publication (but not dates of reprinting)
• date of publication (copyright date).

6.Is it balanced and unbiased?

No     Partially    Yes
1     2      3       4     5

HINT Look for:
• a clear indication of whether the publication is written from a personal
or objective point of view
• evidence that a range of sources of information was used to compile the
publication, e.g. more than one research study or expert
• evidence of an external assessment of the publication.
Be wary if:
• the publication focuses on the advantages or disadvantages of one
particular treatment choice without reference to other possible choices
• the publication relies primarily on evidence from single cases (which
may not be typical of people with this condition or of responses to a
particular treatment)
• the information is presented in a sensational, emotive or alarmist way.

7. Does it provide details of additional sources of
support and information?

No     Partially    Yes
1     2      3       4     5

HINT Look for suggestions for further reading or for details of other
organisations providing advice and information about the condition
and treatment choices.

Adapted from Charnock, D, 1998, The DISCERN handbook, Radcliffe Medical Press, pp 44-47. 

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